Are you being sued over a contract? When a contract goes wrong, your business can suffer and litigation may be inevitable. If you’re facing contract problems of any type, contact the Raleigh Contract Attorneys at the Roth Law Group to do the talking for you. We’ll represent you in court and enforce your rights in any contract-related disputes against companies throughout Cook County and North Carolina.
The Roth Law Group will make the decisions that will help your small business succeed. We know how small businesses operate and we know that litigation is costly. Unless litigation is necessary, the quickest and most economic solution is through contract dispute settlement. Of course, we understand that sometimes there is just no settling, and if that is the case we’ll fight to protect your interests. It’s all about collaboration and communication. We work with you to figure out what’s best for your business.
The Raleigh Contract Attorneys at the Roth Law Group take care of everything from setting payment deadlines to filing lawsuits. Our Raleigh, NC Contract Attorneys focus their practices on the following:
-Breach of Contract
-Contract Violations
-Contract Disputes
-Failure to deliver goods/services
-Failure to pay for goods/services
-Other Contract Issues
Our skilled contract law attorneys take litigation seriously, setting deadlines for payment, handling negotiation, and filing lawsuits on your behalf. We take care of contract disputes involving breach of contract and other issues such as violations of a non-compete agreement, failure to deliver goods or services, or failure to pay for goods or services provided.
Whether you live in Raleigh or you’re out of state, our Raleigh Contract Attorneys represent both in state and out of state businesses engaged in contract litigation in Raleigh. You can speak to one of our skilled Raleigh contract attorneys today by contacting the Roth Law group at (919) 410-8107.